Lowering the Cost of Doing Business
In order for Arizona to position itself for a stronger economic future, government should enhance economic activity and reduce the costs of doing business. State policies should provide a consistent and predictable environment to promote business growth and should not exceed federal requirements. Tax policy must enhance the business environment to promote job growth, diversification and business expansion.
Building a Trained Workforce
Arizona businesses are in competition with companies within the United States and throughout the world. A trained and educated workforce is necessary for innovation and business development. A highly-skilled and well-educated workforce allows Arizona businesses to compete globally. CTE and JTED programs bringing business and education together are critical in developing a pipeline of future workforce.
Increasing Private Sector Jobs
Long-term economic competitiveness is critical to Arizona’s success. Business revenues drive job growth and government budgets. Arizona must implement policies to position itself to be the state of choice for relocating and growing companies, which includes a vibrant education system. Future emerging technologies regulations must not place undue harm on the current business environment.
Efficient and Effective Government
Streamlined, transparent and improved government processes are crucial to the success of Arizona and its businesses. Government decisions are best left to those closest to the governed unless detrimental to the business climate. Initiative reform that reflects the will of Arizona citizens and businesses, not out of state interests, as well as public pension reform will create efficiencies and help restore the public’s faith in government.