Safest Cities in Az
Last year, Arizona saw the nation's most significant decrease in violent crime and the second-most significant decrease in property crime year over year—and the State of Safety Survey reflected low levels of concern about crime and safety statewide.
Find a Church
Church Finder® is the leading digital platform connecting millions of people with thousands of Christian churches.
Find a Hospital, Doctor, or Dentist
Healthgrades is the leading online resource for comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals. Use the website to search, compare, and connect with hospitals and physicians based on the most critical factors when selecting a healthcare provider: experience, hospital quality, and patient satisfaction.
Find a Human & Social Services
Call 2-1-1 Community Information and Referral Services transforms lives by linking individuals and families to vital community health and human services through a call center and website. It also provides referrals for homelessness, vet resources, child abuse, domestic violence, and human trafficking.
Find Road Conditions
Call 5-1-1 or is Arizona’s portion of the national 511 travel information alerting system. Traffic updates are available at and by dialing 511 from any landline or mobile phone anywhere in Arizona. If you are outside Arizona, dial 888.411.ROAD (7623).
US Census Data
QuickFacts is an easy-to-use and free application that shows tables, maps, and charts of frequently requested statistics from more than 10 Census Bureau censuses, surveys, and programs. It tells us how many people live in each area. It describes their living arrangements, ages, income, educational attainment, commuting patterns and occupations. It even describes the kinds of homes people have, in terms of age of home, number of rooms, value, whether it has complete kitchen and plumbing facilities, the availability of telephones and automobiles, and the type of home-heating fuel used.
Official State, County, and City Government Gateway
Access the state and local government on the Net Directory, the popular gateway to official state, county, and city government websites. This online directory, available for free public access, is at
www. Find People, political contributions, city government finances, employment, weather, natural disasters, hospitals, schools, and libraries.
Find A School
Enter your city, zip, address, or school for easy-to-understand information on K 12 schools, including ratings, school resources, student outcomes, reviews, and more.