Tips on Choosing your Magazine Advertising Position
After you've carefully written your ad copy, developed your headline, chosen specific typography, selected your images and created the layout for your print ad, your work is not done. Choosing your ad placement in a magazine is the last key step to ensure you get the maximum impact from your ad.
Here are the best areas for an advertising in our publication.
Outside Back Cover (Most Coveted)
The back cover is the most coveted and expensive position in any magazine. And, when a magazine is placed (or tossed) on the table or couch, there is a 50/50 chance the back cover will be face up, giving the ad great exposure.
They are the most viewed pages of a magazine. Most of the time you will pay a premium rate for such positions but you will have placed your message in best possible outcome.
Inside Back Cover (Best Last Impression)
Inside back covers are the last impressions a magazine reader will have. Psychologists tell us that people are more likely to remember the first and last item when it comes to memory recall.
Inside Front Cover (Best First Impression)
Obviously, those inside covers are really the first and last impressions a magazine reader will have.
Opposite Table of Contents/Chamber Welcome (Best Inside Position)
The Chamber welcome letter and/or table of contents page is one the most read items in a publication. Having your ad placed on opposite and to the right of the Chamber Welcome page is sure get you ad noticed.
Advertorial (Best Blend of Journalistic Content with Advertising)
The term advertorial refers to an article that is designed to look and read like objective journalistic content but is, in fact, a paid advertisement. The primary objective of an advertorial is to market a company's products, enhance its reputation, or promote its views even though it may contain useful information.
Full Section (Ideal for Market Leaders & Intuitional Organizations )
Get six full pages for the price of five! Best for market leaders who wish to exert there industry/category dominance.