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Chamber Chat: Current Issues Unpacked, serves as a critical platform for dissecting current issues and political topics with subject matter experts. Watch it now: What's at Stake? Maricopa County's Big Move to Invest in Transportation!
Press Release
Surprise, Oct. 8, 2024 — The Northwest Valley Chamber of Commerce, the leading business advocacy organization in the Northwest Valley, has announced its plan to encourage residents to support Prop 479, which will fund various transportation projects throughout Maricopa County, including Surprise and the entire West Valley.
"Investing in transportation infrastructure is a strategic way to boost economic growth and enhance our quality of life. It's a win-win for both the economy and residents," said Raoul Sada, President and CEO of the Northwest Valley Chamber of Commerce.
"The ad campaign will mobilize our grass-roots supporters and include social media ads, Action Alerts, Billboard Ads, and emails to over 10,000 Chamber constituents," Sada added.
Prop 479 continues an existing, dedicated half-cent sales tax in Maricopa County to fund transportation. A "yes" vote extends the tax until 2045. A "no" vote will discontinue it at the end of 2025. A 20-year continuation of the tax is projected to generate $14.9 billion in revenues to fund freeways, transit, street projects, and more.
Raoul Sada emphasized that over the next twenty years, Prop 479 will benefit Maricopa County, including Surprise, Sun City, Sun City West, El Mirage, Waddell, Wittmann, and Youngtown, by improving and expanding highways and freeways, funding local street projects, enhancing mass transit, and reducing commute times. This will assist local businesses and boost the economy.
"It will also give residents quicker and better access to jobs, education, and healthcare," Sada stated.
Mr. Sada stated that due to the importance of Prop. 479, the Chamber has dedicated an entire episode of its "Chamber Chat: Current Issues Unpacked" series to this topic.
We devoted an entire episode of our Chamber Chat series to Prop. 479, which serves as a critical platform for dissecting current issues and political topics with subject matter experts.
In an ever-changing business landscape, staying informed is paramount for local businesses and residents. This program enables the community to gain insights directly from experts, helping them navigate complex challenges and make informed decisions. The program can be found on the Northwest Valley Chamber of Commerce Facebook page.
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